Dayton Criminal Defense Attorneys
Experienced Dayton Juvenile Crime Lawyers
Why Do I Need a Juvenile Defense

When a child has been charged with a crime, both the child and parents or guardians may be justifiably overwhelmed and unsure of what steps to take.
These charges could lead to serious, lasting consequences, such as a criminal record, that may impact a child’s ability to get a quality education or have a successful career.
To avoid a conviction that will negatively impact your child’s future, it should be your top priority to contact an attorney as soon as possible and begin implementing a plan of defense.
The juvenile and adult court systems are different. It’s important to work with an attorney who has years of experience and success in defending juvenile delinquency charges.
The criminal defense lawyers at Sebaly Shillito + Dyer have this experience and may be able to help your child avoid the most severe penalties.
Our juvenile criminal defense attorneys will be there for you every step of the way.
We provide supportive guidance to you and your child in conjunction with our aggressive defense tactics to get the best possible outcome.
The law office of Sebaly Shillito + Dyer has years of experience going above and beyond to consider the unique facts of each child’s situation while working through each case in the office and in the courtroom.
Contact SS+D Law now by filling out our online form or by calling 937-222-2500 for a free case consultation.
Common Juvenile Offenses in
Some of the most common juvenile offenses in Ohio are:
- Assault and battery
- Disorderly conduct
- Possession or consumption of alcohol as a minor
- Possession or use of drugs and related drug offenses
- Traffic violations
If your child is facing criminal charges in Ohio, contact SS+D Law for a free juvenile law case consultation.
What are the Penalties for Juvenile
Crimes in Dayton, Ohio?
Juvenile courts throughout Ohio focus on rehabilitation. However, the penalties can range from somewhat lenient to very harsh.
Juvenile penalties and punishments may include:
- Probation
- Curfew
- Community Service
- House arrest
- Drug treatment and screening
- Alcohol treatment
- Driver's license suspension
- Mental health treatment and counseling
- Community service
- Confinement in a juvenile detention center
- Sex offender registration
- Commitment to the Department of Youth Services until the age of 21
Is Your Child Facing Delinquency
Charges in Dayton? Schedule a Free
Consultation with an Experienced
Juvenile Criminal Defense Attorney
If your child has been arrested and charged with a juvenile criminal offense, you need legal representation from an experienced juvenile law attorney in Dayton.
Call SS+D Law at 937-222-2500 to schedule a free consultation.
Dayton Juvenile Defense Law FAQs
What are the Differences Between Juvenile Court and Adult Court Processes in Dayton, Ohio?
Type of Court
One of the most obvious differences is the court where the trial will be heard.
The Montgomery County Juvenile Court hears:
- Unruly cases
- Traffic cases
- Abuse, dependency, and neglect cases
- Custody cases
- Paternity and child support cases
- Juvenile Protection orders
- Truancy cases
Most adult Dayton criminal cases are tried in the Montgomery County Common Pleas Court, Criminal Division.
Juvenile Delinquency Process
In Ohio's juvenile court system, the court must determine whether a minor is delinquent for committing an act that if committed by an adult would be a certain crime.
A juvenile court judge finds whether or not the minor's behavior is "delinquent" based on the facts of the case and other information., Being found delinquent is similar to an adult being found guilty but with a distinction and significant differences.
The differences in the adult and juvenile justice systems mean you need to hire a knowledgeable juvenile defense attorney who knows the ins and outs of both criminal law and family law practice areas.
SS+D Law, a law firm in Dayton, Ohio, has experienced attorneys who can meet your legal needs.